The Regional Conference titled: Signs and Wonders for Ordinary Disciples for the Catholic Center for Charismatic Renewal was held on March 13-14,2020 at St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Church. There was an English, as well as a, Spanish track. Our main speakers were: Dr. Mary Healy, Tori Harris, Father George Montague BBD, and Father Will Combs BBD.
Dr. Mary Healy, author of, Healing
and The Spiritual Gifts Handbook, expressed that we are experiencing
a different kind of “Fast” this Lenten season.
Our everyday lives have been interrupted by the “Coronavirus” worldwide. She introduced us to a virtual, angelic,
holy, hug. Afterall, “How can you
possibly tell a Charismatic not to hug?”
In her first talk, Walking in the Supernatural, she reminded us
that as children of God, we choose not to partner with fear or anxiety. We choose instead to trust and have faith in
God. At this time, she emphasized, God
is restoring to his children their “Royal Authority.” Society has pushed God to the margins. There is an absence of God which has caused a
tremendous vacuum in our everyday lives.
There is so much brokenness. The
good news is, “The fields are ripe for the harvest.” God wants to use us to sweep them toward
Him. We, the Army of God, must
rediscover the supernatural power of God to evangelize with the power of the
Holy Spirit. Jesus says, ”As the Father
sent me, so I send you!” God answers all
prayer. There are three possible answers
to prayer: Yes, Later, or I have something better. As disciples of Christ, our mission is clear,
“Go, preach the good news, heal the sick and expel demons,” (Matt 10 and
Luke10). The signs and wonders of our
God have never disappeared. They
accompany all believers. Later, during
the day, Dr. Healy, taught on “How to pray for healing” and led a
healing service.
Tori Harris, author of, Holy
Spirit 101, presented on, “Prophetic Etiquette: Guidelines for Operating in the
Prophetic. Many practical ideas and
anecdotes were shared. At the end of her
presentation, time was allotted to exercise the gift of prophecy. She recommended that all gifts must be
exercised in order to allow for growth and maturity. Her second presentation was titled “Blocks
to Healing.” Both authors can
be found on the “You Tube” channel.
We thank Father Bob Hogan for his
leadership. All love offerings received
will be used for the maintenance and continued operation of the Catholic Center
for Charismatic Renewal. It was a great
blessing to be able to celebrate Mass and gather as brothers and sisters in
Submitted by: Connie Alvarado
Divine Mercy Prayer Group