Our Lady’s Tea — Precious Blood Association

1 tsp fresh grated garlic

1tsp fresh grated ginger

1 tsp Manuka honey (or any honey)

Juice of 1 lemon

Micro-grate the first two ingredients, squeeze the lemon and put all ingredients into a large ceramic or glass mug (not metal). 

On the stove, not microwave, bring water to a boil until rapidly boiling BUT DO NOT BOIL with ingredients. 

Pour this boiling water into a mug over ingredients and place a plate over the cup so the steam does not escape.

Set a time for 15 minutes.  After steeping, remove the plate, stir vigorously and drink it all as quickly as you can, consuming as much of the particulate matter as possible but not boiling hot.  The tea is to be taken 1 hour before a meal, or two hours after a meal. 

IF YOU ARE INFECTED take it three times a day as indicated above before or after meals. 

If you take it once a day, our Lady says you will not become infected. 

Interesting fact:  it’s been published that the corona virus responds to ginger, lemon, honey and raw garlic!!!  

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