This is the start of the divine mercy novena. Today more than ever we must pray for mercy for everyone.
I encourage you to join has these young hosts continually put up novenas
for us and trust me we can use them all. They send a daily reminder.
Easiest way yet to pray novenas. If you haven’t join yet I highly
encourage you to do so.
Below are links to various Lenten resources you might find useful in praying by yourself or with small groups during this Lent in which community gathering is restricted.
The prayer group will not meet at the Catholic Center for Charismatic Renewal (or otherwise) until after March 30, or later if gathering restrictions are extended.
The Bishop Gustavo’s Sunday Mass at 8 AM is being broadcast on cable and satellite channels for local Catholic TV; it was also being broadcast on air on KWEX, Channel 41.1 but it was preempted by KWEX on 3/20/2020 for other broadcast information. Another source of telecast Masses is Bishop Robert Barron’s (Word on Fire) Daily and Sunday Mass available when posted at 8:15 AM ET daily.
Many San Antonio Diocesan parishes have already started posting Sunday Masses on YouTube. Check your parish website and/or email sent to you for their particular information.